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In the entry â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† by Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird, the writer advances that â€Å"shitty first draf...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay...

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Organizational behavior is defined as the study of human behavior in organizations. Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to the behavioral sciences such as psychology, sociology and anthropology as well as to allied sciences. However, the goal of organizational behavior is to integrate the diverse insights of these other disciplines and apply them to real-world problems and opportunities. The ultimate goal of organizational behavior is to improve the performance of people, groups and organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational culture is defined as the shared beliefs and values that influence the behavior of†¦show more content†¦The internal process approach examines the transformation process and examines how efficiently resources are used to produce goods and services. The goal approach looks at the output side to measure achievement of key operating objectives. Last, the strategic constituencies appro ach analyzes the impact of the organization on key stakeholders and their interests (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and using information to adapt successfully to changing circumstances. Organizations must be able to change continuously and positively while searching for new ideas and opportunities (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). My place of employment is Sprint PCS. I am a technical support representative and I am in charge of maintaining the functionality of these devices. I handle all aspects of the phones, PDA’s and wireless air cards from making sure that voice calls can be made to maintaining an internet connection to sending and receiving pictures. At my place of employment communication is a key ingredient to our team success. Without effective communication we would not be able to function as an efficient team or company. Culture at the workplace is very much the same across the board. We all share the same values and beliefs, for the most part. We do have a diverse bunch; however. We have all types of people within our group. Our diversity varies between ethnicity,Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concept779 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concept When small business owners start the concept of what type of business one would like to own, an array of critical thinking starts and a business owner has to consider questions that will make or break his or her success. Owners, who pay attention to the current rise and fall of stock for his or her chosen business, will have the upper hand against competitors. An owner who knows his or her competitors is a small part in the grand scheme of owning anRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts751 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Organizations have been described as groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to accomplish shared objectives. The study of organizational behavior (OB) and its affiliated subjects helps us understand what people think, feel and do in organizational settings. For managers and, realistically, all employees, thisRead More Organizational Behavior Terminology And Concepts Essay975 Words   |  4 PagesUnderstanding organizational behavior is important for everyone involved in an organization, not just the leadership and management teams. By gaining and understanding this knowledge each employee should be able to realize how their individual actions contribute to the big picture of the company. In order to understand this there are some key concepts and terminology that must be explained to make the learning process more manageable. Organizational Behavior What is organizational behavior? AccordingRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper850 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper The following essay will be described the organizational behavior terminology and concepts applied in the organization. The following topics will be presented: Organization culture as internal and external environment of control. Diversity as of individual differences based on gender, race and ethnicity, age, disabilities, and sexual orientation. 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Organizational Behavior Studying the psychological and sociological behaviors of single and groups of individuals in organizationsRead More Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay1022 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Businesses today often promote change to create a better more productive work environment. These changes occasionally produce unwanted results which were not expected or planned for. By monitoring organizational behavior unwanted or negative results can be minimized so change can be effective within an organization. Organizational behavior, organizational culture, diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management are all factorsRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay4868 Words   |  20 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Organizational behavior In today’s challenges at work and an organization has become more than just a place where eight hours of a day is spent, but a place where behavior is a major contribution to the success behavior and what it means and the effects on the climate of an organization. of a company. In this paper we will discuss organizational â€Å"Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizations. It is an academic disciplineRead More Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay729 Words   |  3 Pages Organizational Behavior Organizations have been described as groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to accomplish shared objectives. The study of organizational behavior (OB) and its affiliated subjects helps us understand what people think, feel and do in organizational settings. For managers and, realistically, all employees, this

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Man in a Case - 5314 Words

A Paper AN ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTS OF â€Å"THE MAN IN A CASE† BY WENDY WASSERTEIN ARYA FRIZANDIKA 1005121046 ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM LANGUAGE AND ART DEPARTMENT EDUCATION AND TEACHING TRAINING FACULTY RIAU UNIVERSITY 2013 I. Introduction â€Å"The Man in a Case† is a drama authorized by a well-known American playwright, Wendy Wasertein. Simply, this drama told about an optimism aproach of Byelinkov and Varinka. This is a love story which can tell the audience how human beings can find their love in any different forms and ways. We also can find so many social struggles of this drama that is published in 1986. Wendy Wassertein was born on October 18th, 1950 in Brooklyn, New York. She received the Tony Award for Best Play in 1989,†¦show more content†¦VARINKA. Youre smiling. I knew I could make you smile to day. BYELINKOV. I am a responsible man. Every day I have for breakfast black bread, fruit, hot tea, and every day I smile three times. I am halfway into my translation of the Aeneid (note: Latin epic poem by the Roman poet Virgil (70-19B.C.) from classical Greek hexameter into Russian alexandrines. In twenty yeas I have never been late to school: l am a responsible man, but no dancing bear. VARINKA. Dance with me. BYELINKOV. Now? It is nearly four weeks before the wedding! VARINKA. Its a beautiful afternoon. We are in your garden. The roses are in full bloom. BYELINKOV. The roses have beetles. VARINKA. Dance with me! BYELINKOV. You are a demanding woman. VARINKA. You chose me. And right. And left. And turn. And right. And left. BYELINKOV. And turn. Give me your hand. You dance like a school mouse. Its a beautiful afternoon! We are in my garden. The roses are in full bloom! And turn. And turn. (Twirls Varinka around.) VARINKA. I am the luckiest woman! (Byelinkov stops dancing.) Why are you stopping? BYELINKOV. To place a lilac in your hair. Every year on this day I will place a lilac in your hair. VARINKA. Will you remember? BYELINKOV. I will write it down. (Takes a notebook from his pocket.) Dear Byelinkov, dont forget the day a young lady, your bride, entered your garden, your peace, and danced on the roses. On that day every year you are to place a lilac in her hair. VARINKA. I love you.Show MoreRelatedMountain Man Brewery Case1441 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is Mountain Man Brewing Company’s positioning relative to its competitors? Mountain Man Brewing Company brewed a beer called â€Å"Mountain Man Lager† beer. â€Å"Mountain Man Lager† held the top market position among lagers in West Virginia for almost 50 years. It was also known as â€Å"West Virginia’s Beer†. It was a legacy brew in the mature beer brewing business and had managed to maintain a respectable market position in most of the states where the beer was distributed. â€Å"Mountain Man Lager† was a darkRead MoreMan Ray Case Study973 Words   |  4 Pages Chapter 4. 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Industry â€Å"The beer industry in the United States generates $75 Billion in annual sales.† (Abelli, 4) Light beer sales have increased at a compound annual rate of 4% over the previous six years. Traditional premium beer sales have also declined annually by the same percentage. The beer industry can be considered a monopoly since large national brewers maintain economies

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’ Free Essays

Title:The effectiveness of Goldman Sachs’ code of ethics Date:17 October 2012 To:CEO, Lloyd C. Blankfein Introduction The code of ethics  is adopted by organizations to assist members in understanding the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and in applying that understanding to their decisions. An effective code of ethics should also help to delineate the proper procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics has occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed. We will write a custom essay sample on Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’ or any similar topic only for you Order Now After reviewing the company’s code of ethics, we found that it has well established the concept of business ethics and the company’s objective, and also several kinds of encouragement to promote the ethical business behavior effectively. The company’s code of ethics, however, is not practical enough for implementation as the content is too general and vague, and there are not enough guidelines and regulations to help the staff to detect or solve the ethical issues. What makes the Code of Ethics Effective: According to the code of ethics, the employees are encouraged to expose any misconducts or unethical issues in the company. The company has also established a certain department, the Global Compliance Division or Legal Department, as the platform for reporting any violation of the code, and it also helps the employees to identify and escalate potential ethical issues. Meanwhile, the company has also set up the Non-Retaliation Policy which strictly prohibits the retaliation against anyone who reports in good faith a possible violation of the Code. Under those policies and procedures, the employees will feel easy to voice out if they found something going in the wrong track. What makes the Code of Ethics Ineffective: The code of ethics of the company consists a large portion of text about the general code of ethics which is applied to every individual unit, but it emphasis less on the code for investment banking industry, such as insider dealing, money laundering, outside business activities and relationship and other potential conflict of interest, and staff’s personal financial affairs. Without any detailed case illustration for each of the particular issues, employees may feel hard to follow the code. This imposes potential risks for employees to make unethical transactions unknowingly. Moreover, the code does not strictly restrict the actions of personal conflicts of interest but are allowed if approved by the firm that may violate the independence of professional. Audit firm prohibited any conflicts of interest which had been stated clearly on the statement. Auditors, for example, are prohibited to accept any favors which violate the professional. Another weakness of the code is that it omits the implementation and administration policies. There are no content how the company supervises the implementation of the code, what the company do if the code is found to be not effective, how long the company reviews the code and so on. Also, the code illustrates that the company take a passive role on discovering the ethical issues. The code requires employees take their own initiatives to report any unethical issues. However, it is not guaranteed that all employees are going to follow the code. There is a risk of undisclosed misconduct by employees if the company does not investigate in it. Improvement The code of ethics specifically focuses on banking industry. Take Bank of America’s code as an example. Although it is impossible to define every action that could be reasonably interpreted as a conflict of interest, company also defines several potential conflicts of interest as examples with a brief description so that everyone can have an idea on conflict of interest. In addition, the code has stated employees should conduct their financial affairs responsibly and keep their business expenses in order. The bank is prohibited money laundering and economic sanctions which have also mentioned in the code. Those are helpful to provide a clear picture to staff on what they should conduct. It is good practice to have the way reporting the misconduct issue, but company is still played as passive role. And also it may be biases if the issue is examined by internal staff from other departments. To be independence, establishing Committees involved external individual or professional to monitor and investigate the misconducts and unethical issues, and the committees may directly notify the Board of Director. Company’s code of ethics can be introduced during the orientation. Each new employee may be requested to complete a set of ethical questions after the introduction to ensure everyone understand this code. The failure may be requested to attend another ethical course to recap the important sections. One of global investment bank, Greenhill Co holds information and training sessions to promote compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that affect their business. Conclusion: It is appreciated that the company put effort on setting the code of ethics. The above suggestions are given to your kindly consideration as it is good for the company to review the code once again in order to maintain high standard of integrity. How to cite Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta

Question: Discuss about the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta. Answer: Introduction: In Alberta there has been an Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and the Code. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS) came into effect July 1, 2009 (Health Sciences Association of Alberta, 2012). But the OHS Act has been the enabling legislation, which was applicable on all the individuals of the state. The OHS regulation on the other hand, includes administrative general requirements, and the Code includes some practical facts. The OHS Act which was provided under the Act of Alberta has been observed to be applied to all the workplaces which were under the provincial jurisdiction. But at the same time it has an exception that it does not apply to the family farming and ranching and domestic servants (Government of Alberta, 2017). Recently, an (OHS) Regulation Amendment was established in 2013 after a wide-ranging evaluation of public at large. The amendments in the Act have incorporated: New necessities on taking action on hazardous work circumstances; Regulations on delivering commands by electronic way or messenger; Definitions and Standards were modified, etc (Government of Alberta, 2017). Also in 2016, Bill 208 was introduced and an Occupational Health and Safety (Protection from Workplace Harassment) Amendment Act, 2016 came into being (Wendel, 2016). This Bill was introduced to address workplace harassment by making provisions which deals with aggravation which were mentioned in the OHS Act of Alberta (Government of Alberta, 2017). A definition of harassment was incorporated by the amendment as there has been an immense increase in the occurring of such events. So, the employers were required to establish and manage a workplace aggravation policy and examine grievances of office aggravation (Zurbrigg, 2013). The scope of the OHS Act has been wide as it covers most of the workers and the employers which has been there in the province of Alberta. The Alberta OHS Act covers all employees who were mentioned above but it do not include the workers who work in the industries such as: Domestic Workers such as servants and housekeepers of the house; Employees of the Federal government; Employees who work in a federally regulated organizations such as Radio stations, Television, etc (Government of Alberta, 2017). Bank sector such as Chartered Banks of Canada; Marine distribution; Providing services of the Ferry and Port; Air transportation services which include Airports, Aerodromes and flights; Railway sector; Transportation of goods and services by way of road that includes going out of the regional or International boundaries of the state; Building of Dams; Business of making pipelines, etc (Government of Alberta, 2017). At the same time, as per the new innovative and novel amendments which have been made in 2016. As from todays time now farms and ranches of the workers which were with at least one waged, family worker were also covered by the elementary standards which were outlined in the OHS Act (Government of Alberta, 2017). The province was presently in consultation with the industry to inculcate detailed rules and standards for the industry. So, from now OHS standards would only be applicable to an operation if a paid employee was present on the farm or ranch, and then only in connection to those waged people (Government of Alberta, 2017). Purpose and Overview of the Act The purpose of the legislation was the security of the health and safety of the employees in Alberta (Government of Alberta, 2017). It dispenses the everyday jobs of the employees, institute minimum standards; grant permission for enforcement, and outlines penalties for the non-compliance of the rules. More particularly, these laws: The aim of the Act was also to avoid harms, diseases and deaths of the employee were which was caused due to workplace hazards (Government of Alberta, 2017). This legislation was managed by Alberta Human Resources and Employment (AHRE) and is enforced by OHS Officers (Mullen, 2012). It has certain major sections such as: Section 2: Obligations of employers, workers etc.; Section 9: Order to remedy unhealthy or unsafe conditions, etc. Identify and describe two employment related situations A person X was working in the industry and at the site when he was working got himself injured severely as a result of which he died as a pully of goods broke down and fell upon his head. In this case section 18 of the OHS Act which states serious injuries and accidents would be applicable. As, it was specifically stated that if a person got himself injured or accidents including death if caused at the work place then the director would be notified as soon as possible about the injury. And then there would be an investigation which should be made and a report for the same should be made. If the main contractor or the regulated person i.e. employer who had a obligation to safeguard the employees have contravened his duty then there would be penalty not exceeding: In the matter of a violation or a failure to comply stating that it the same behavior continues for more than one day then $10 000 for each day or part of a day on which the violation or failure to comply takes place or continues. A an employee was working without using the tools which were controlled and for these no training was provided to make use of the machines as a result of which he or she caused severe injury. In this case section 80 of the Act would be applicable which includes controlled products as if a worker was indulged in making use of controlled goods then it has been the duty of the prime contractor or employer to make sure that: A worker who works with a controlled good or in immediacy to a controlled good get adequate education, lessons or training. Such training must be given with reverence to the controlled good as per the requirements of the code which has been adopted. So, it could be stated that in this case the employer violated not only section 30 but also have contravened section 2 which clearly states the obligations of the employer. Therefore, if an officer was of the belief that a regulated person i.e. the employer: Has violated a section of this Act, the rules or an adopted code then he may, by give a notice in writing given to the employer. The notice may require the employer to pay to the Crown an administrative fine in the sum which was set out in the notice and would also bear the consequences and costs which were specified above. References Alberta Municipal Health Safety Association. (2017). OHS LEGISLATION. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.amhsa.net/resources/faqs/ohs-legislation/ Government of Alberta. (2017). Employers Guide to Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://work.alberta.ca/documents/OHS-bulletin-LI009.pdf Government of Alberta. (2017). Legislation. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.learnalberta.ca/content/kes/pdf/or_os_am_wss_04_leg.pdf Government of Alberta. (2017). Occupational Health And Safety Act. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/Acts/O02.pdf Health Sciences Association of Alberta. (2012). Understanding the Legislation. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.hsaa.ca/effective-representation/understanding-legislation Mullen, L. (2012). Alberta Employers and Workers Who Violate Albertas Safety Laws Face Stiffer Penalties. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.occupationalhealthandsafetylaw.com/alberta-employers-and-workers-who-violate-alberta%E2%80%99s-safety-laws-face-stiffer-penalties Wendel, C. (2016). New Alberta Bill 208 seeks to provide protection against workplace bullying. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.occupationalhealthandsafetylaw.com/new-alberta-bill-208-seeks-to-provide-protection-against-workplace-bullying Zurbrigg, T.S. (2013). Canada: Legislative Update: A Primer On The Recent Changes To Alberta's Occupational Health And Safety Act. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.mondaq.com/canada/x/228696/Health+Safety/Legislative+Update+A+Primer+On+The+Recent+Changes+To+Albertas+Occupational+Health+And+Safety+Act