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In the entry â€Å"Shitty First Drafts† by Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird, the writer advances that â€Å"shitty first draf...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay...

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Organizational behavior is defined as the study of human behavior in organizations. Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to the behavioral sciences such as psychology, sociology and anthropology as well as to allied sciences. However, the goal of organizational behavior is to integrate the diverse insights of these other disciplines and apply them to real-world problems and opportunities. The ultimate goal of organizational behavior is to improve the performance of people, groups and organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational culture is defined as the shared beliefs and values that influence the behavior of†¦show more content†¦The internal process approach examines the transformation process and examines how efficiently resources are used to produce goods and services. The goal approach looks at the output side to measure achievement of key operating objectives. Last, the strategic constituencies appro ach analyzes the impact of the organization on key stakeholders and their interests (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and using information to adapt successfully to changing circumstances. Organizations must be able to change continuously and positively while searching for new ideas and opportunities (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). My place of employment is Sprint PCS. I am a technical support representative and I am in charge of maintaining the functionality of these devices. I handle all aspects of the phones, PDA’s and wireless air cards from making sure that voice calls can be made to maintaining an internet connection to sending and receiving pictures. At my place of employment communication is a key ingredient to our team success. Without effective communication we would not be able to function as an efficient team or company. Culture at the workplace is very much the same across the board. We all share the same values and beliefs, for the most part. We do have a diverse bunch; however. We have all types of people within our group. Our diversity varies between ethnicity,Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concept779 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concept When small business owners start the concept of what type of business one would like to own, an array of critical thinking starts and a business owner has to consider questions that will make or break his or her success. Owners, who pay attention to the current rise and fall of stock for his or her chosen business, will have the upper hand against competitors. An owner who knows his or her competitors is a small part in the grand scheme of owning anRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts751 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Organizations have been described as groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to accomplish shared objectives. The study of organizational behavior (OB) and its affiliated subjects helps us understand what people think, feel and do in organizational settings. For managers and, realistically, all employees, thisRead More Organizational Behavior Terminology And Concepts Essay975 Words   |  4 PagesUnderstanding organizational behavior is important for everyone involved in an organization, not just the leadership and management teams. By gaining and understanding this knowledge each employee should be able to realize how their individual actions contribute to the big picture of the company. In order to understand this there are some key concepts and terminology that must be explained to make the learning process more manageable. Organizational Behavior What is organizational behavior? AccordingRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper850 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper The following essay will be described the organizational behavior terminology and concepts applied in the organization. The following topics will be presented: Organization culture as internal and external environment of control. Diversity as of individual differences based on gender, race and ethnicity, age, disabilities, and sexual orientation. As the last subject communication as the human skill that helps the organization to work well withRead MoreEssay on Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts1024 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The behavior of employees within any organization is paramount to the success or failure of that organization. The study of organizational behavior is a science with its own vocabulary and terminology. This essay will describe some of the more common key concepts and terminology and relate those to the modern United States Navy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"An organization is, simply, a body of people organized for some specific purpose† (communication, 2005)Read MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay834 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts I am not sure who made the term dress for success popular but I believe the term falls short. Anyone can dress up and look great but there is much more to success then dressing the part. While it is important for organizations to have their employees presenting themselves with a professional look and manner, there are also many other concepts within an organization that need to be addressed. Organizational Behavior, as defined in ourRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology And Concepts Essay1033 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts There are many important factors that are involved and contribute to organizations survival and success. Organizational behavior, culture, diversity, communication, business ethics and change management are some of the key concepts which are essential as I list and explain below with some examples from past experiences. Organizational Behavior Studying the psychological and sociological behaviors of single and groups of individuals in organizationsRead More Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay1022 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Businesses today often promote change to create a better more productive work environment. These changes occasionally produce unwanted results which were not expected or planned for. By monitoring organizational behavior unwanted or negative results can be minimized so change can be effective within an organization. Organizational behavior, organizational culture, diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management are all factorsRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay4868 Words   |  20 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Organizational behavior In today’s challenges at work and an organization has become more than just a place where eight hours of a day is spent, but a place where behavior is a major contribution to the success behavior and what it means and the effects on the climate of an organization. of a company. In this paper we will discuss organizational â€Å"Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizations. It is an academic disciplineRead More Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay729 Words   |  3 Pages Organizational Behavior Organizations have been described as groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to accomplish shared objectives. The study of organizational behavior (OB) and its affiliated subjects helps us understand what people think, feel and do in organizational settings. For managers and, realistically, all employees, this

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Man in a Case - 5314 Words

A Paper AN ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTS OF â€Å"THE MAN IN A CASE† BY WENDY WASSERTEIN ARYA FRIZANDIKA 1005121046 ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM LANGUAGE AND ART DEPARTMENT EDUCATION AND TEACHING TRAINING FACULTY RIAU UNIVERSITY 2013 I. Introduction â€Å"The Man in a Case† is a drama authorized by a well-known American playwright, Wendy Wasertein. Simply, this drama told about an optimism aproach of Byelinkov and Varinka. This is a love story which can tell the audience how human beings can find their love in any different forms and ways. We also can find so many social struggles of this drama that is published in 1986. Wendy Wassertein was born on October 18th, 1950 in Brooklyn, New York. She received the Tony Award for Best Play in 1989,†¦show more content†¦VARINKA. Youre smiling. I knew I could make you smile to day. BYELINKOV. I am a responsible man. Every day I have for breakfast black bread, fruit, hot tea, and every day I smile three times. I am halfway into my translation of the Aeneid (note: Latin epic poem by the Roman poet Virgil (70-19B.C.) from classical Greek hexameter into Russian alexandrines. In twenty yeas I have never been late to school: l am a responsible man, but no dancing bear. VARINKA. Dance with me. BYELINKOV. Now? It is nearly four weeks before the wedding! VARINKA. Its a beautiful afternoon. We are in your garden. The roses are in full bloom. BYELINKOV. The roses have beetles. VARINKA. Dance with me! BYELINKOV. You are a demanding woman. VARINKA. You chose me. And right. And left. And turn. And right. And left. BYELINKOV. And turn. Give me your hand. You dance like a school mouse. Its a beautiful afternoon! We are in my garden. The roses are in full bloom! And turn. And turn. (Twirls Varinka around.) VARINKA. I am the luckiest woman! (Byelinkov stops dancing.) Why are you stopping? BYELINKOV. To place a lilac in your hair. Every year on this day I will place a lilac in your hair. VARINKA. Will you remember? BYELINKOV. I will write it down. (Takes a notebook from his pocket.) Dear Byelinkov, dont forget the day a young lady, your bride, entered your garden, your peace, and danced on the roses. On that day every year you are to place a lilac in her hair. VARINKA. I love you.Show MoreRelatedMountain Man Brewery Case1441 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is Mountain Man Brewing Company’s positioning relative to its competitors? Mountain Man Brewing Company brewed a beer called â€Å"Mountain Man Lager† beer. â€Å"Mountain Man Lager† held the top market position among lagers in West Virginia for almost 50 years. It was also known as â€Å"West Virginia’s Beer†. It was a legacy brew in the mature beer brewing business and had managed to maintain a respectable market position in most of the states where the beer was distributed. â€Å"Mountain Man Lager† was a darkRead MoreMan Ray Case Study973 Words   |  4 Pages Chapter 4. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’ Free Essays

Title:The effectiveness of Goldman Sachs’ code of ethics Date:17 October 2012 To:CEO, Lloyd C. Blankfein Introduction The code of ethics  is adopted by organizations to assist members in understanding the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and in applying that understanding to their decisions. An effective code of ethics should also help to delineate the proper procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics has occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed. We will write a custom essay sample on Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’ or any similar topic only for you Order Now After reviewing the company’s code of ethics, we found that it has well established the concept of business ethics and the company’s objective, and also several kinds of encouragement to promote the ethical business behavior effectively. The company’s code of ethics, however, is not practical enough for implementation as the content is too general and vague, and there are not enough guidelines and regulations to help the staff to detect or solve the ethical issues. What makes the Code of Ethics Effective: According to the code of ethics, the employees are encouraged to expose any misconducts or unethical issues in the company. The company has also established a certain department, the Global Compliance Division or Legal Department, as the platform for reporting any violation of the code, and it also helps the employees to identify and escalate potential ethical issues. Meanwhile, the company has also set up the Non-Retaliation Policy which strictly prohibits the retaliation against anyone who reports in good faith a possible violation of the Code. Under those policies and procedures, the employees will feel easy to voice out if they found something going in the wrong track. What makes the Code of Ethics Ineffective: The code of ethics of the company consists a large portion of text about the general code of ethics which is applied to every individual unit, but it emphasis less on the code for investment banking industry, such as insider dealing, money laundering, outside business activities and relationship and other potential conflict of interest, and staff’s personal financial affairs. Without any detailed case illustration for each of the particular issues, employees may feel hard to follow the code. This imposes potential risks for employees to make unethical transactions unknowingly. Moreover, the code does not strictly restrict the actions of personal conflicts of interest but are allowed if approved by the firm that may violate the independence of professional. Audit firm prohibited any conflicts of interest which had been stated clearly on the statement. Auditors, for example, are prohibited to accept any favors which violate the professional. Another weakness of the code is that it omits the implementation and administration policies. There are no content how the company supervises the implementation of the code, what the company do if the code is found to be not effective, how long the company reviews the code and so on. Also, the code illustrates that the company take a passive role on discovering the ethical issues. The code requires employees take their own initiatives to report any unethical issues. However, it is not guaranteed that all employees are going to follow the code. There is a risk of undisclosed misconduct by employees if the company does not investigate in it. Improvement The code of ethics specifically focuses on banking industry. Take Bank of America’s code as an example. Although it is impossible to define every action that could be reasonably interpreted as a conflict of interest, company also defines several potential conflicts of interest as examples with a brief description so that everyone can have an idea on conflict of interest. In addition, the code has stated employees should conduct their financial affairs responsibly and keep their business expenses in order. The bank is prohibited money laundering and economic sanctions which have also mentioned in the code. Those are helpful to provide a clear picture to staff on what they should conduct. It is good practice to have the way reporting the misconduct issue, but company is still played as passive role. And also it may be biases if the issue is examined by internal staff from other departments. To be independence, establishing Committees involved external individual or professional to monitor and investigate the misconducts and unethical issues, and the committees may directly notify the Board of Director. Company’s code of ethics can be introduced during the orientation. Each new employee may be requested to complete a set of ethical questions after the introduction to ensure everyone understand this code. The failure may be requested to attend another ethical course to recap the important sections. One of global investment bank, Greenhill Co holds information and training sessions to promote compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that affect their business. Conclusion: It is appreciated that the company put effort on setting the code of ethics. The above suggestions are given to your kindly consideration as it is good for the company to review the code once again in order to maintain high standard of integrity. How to cite Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta

Question: Discuss about the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta. Answer: Introduction: In Alberta there has been an Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and the Code. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS) came into effect July 1, 2009 (Health Sciences Association of Alberta, 2012). But the OHS Act has been the enabling legislation, which was applicable on all the individuals of the state. The OHS regulation on the other hand, includes administrative general requirements, and the Code includes some practical facts. The OHS Act which was provided under the Act of Alberta has been observed to be applied to all the workplaces which were under the provincial jurisdiction. But at the same time it has an exception that it does not apply to the family farming and ranching and domestic servants (Government of Alberta, 2017). Recently, an (OHS) Regulation Amendment was established in 2013 after a wide-ranging evaluation of public at large. The amendments in the Act have incorporated: New necessities on taking action on hazardous work circumstances; Regulations on delivering commands by electronic way or messenger; Definitions and Standards were modified, etc (Government of Alberta, 2017). Also in 2016, Bill 208 was introduced and an Occupational Health and Safety (Protection from Workplace Harassment) Amendment Act, 2016 came into being (Wendel, 2016). This Bill was introduced to address workplace harassment by making provisions which deals with aggravation which were mentioned in the OHS Act of Alberta (Government of Alberta, 2017). A definition of harassment was incorporated by the amendment as there has been an immense increase in the occurring of such events. So, the employers were required to establish and manage a workplace aggravation policy and examine grievances of office aggravation (Zurbrigg, 2013). The scope of the OHS Act has been wide as it covers most of the workers and the employers which has been there in the province of Alberta. The Alberta OHS Act covers all employees who were mentioned above but it do not include the workers who work in the industries such as: Domestic Workers such as servants and housekeepers of the house; Employees of the Federal government; Employees who work in a federally regulated organizations such as Radio stations, Television, etc (Government of Alberta, 2017). Bank sector such as Chartered Banks of Canada; Marine distribution; Providing services of the Ferry and Port; Air transportation services which include Airports, Aerodromes and flights; Railway sector; Transportation of goods and services by way of road that includes going out of the regional or International boundaries of the state; Building of Dams; Business of making pipelines, etc (Government of Alberta, 2017). At the same time, as per the new innovative and novel amendments which have been made in 2016. As from todays time now farms and ranches of the workers which were with at least one waged, family worker were also covered by the elementary standards which were outlined in the OHS Act (Government of Alberta, 2017). The province was presently in consultation with the industry to inculcate detailed rules and standards for the industry. So, from now OHS standards would only be applicable to an operation if a paid employee was present on the farm or ranch, and then only in connection to those waged people (Government of Alberta, 2017). Purpose and Overview of the Act The purpose of the legislation was the security of the health and safety of the employees in Alberta (Government of Alberta, 2017). It dispenses the everyday jobs of the employees, institute minimum standards; grant permission for enforcement, and outlines penalties for the non-compliance of the rules. More particularly, these laws: The aim of the Act was also to avoid harms, diseases and deaths of the employee were which was caused due to workplace hazards (Government of Alberta, 2017). This legislation was managed by Alberta Human Resources and Employment (AHRE) and is enforced by OHS Officers (Mullen, 2012). It has certain major sections such as: Section 2: Obligations of employers, workers etc.; Section 9: Order to remedy unhealthy or unsafe conditions, etc. Identify and describe two employment related situations A person X was working in the industry and at the site when he was working got himself injured severely as a result of which he died as a pully of goods broke down and fell upon his head. In this case section 18 of the OHS Act which states serious injuries and accidents would be applicable. As, it was specifically stated that if a person got himself injured or accidents including death if caused at the work place then the director would be notified as soon as possible about the injury. And then there would be an investigation which should be made and a report for the same should be made. If the main contractor or the regulated person i.e. employer who had a obligation to safeguard the employees have contravened his duty then there would be penalty not exceeding: In the matter of a violation or a failure to comply stating that it the same behavior continues for more than one day then $10 000 for each day or part of a day on which the violation or failure to comply takes place or continues. A an employee was working without using the tools which were controlled and for these no training was provided to make use of the machines as a result of which he or she caused severe injury. In this case section 80 of the Act would be applicable which includes controlled products as if a worker was indulged in making use of controlled goods then it has been the duty of the prime contractor or employer to make sure that: A worker who works with a controlled good or in immediacy to a controlled good get adequate education, lessons or training. Such training must be given with reverence to the controlled good as per the requirements of the code which has been adopted. So, it could be stated that in this case the employer violated not only section 30 but also have contravened section 2 which clearly states the obligations of the employer. Therefore, if an officer was of the belief that a regulated person i.e. the employer: Has violated a section of this Act, the rules or an adopted code then he may, by give a notice in writing given to the employer. The notice may require the employer to pay to the Crown an administrative fine in the sum which was set out in the notice and would also bear the consequences and costs which were specified above. References Alberta Municipal Health Safety Association. (2017). OHS LEGISLATION. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.amhsa.net/resources/faqs/ohs-legislation/ Government of Alberta. (2017). Employers Guide to Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://work.alberta.ca/documents/OHS-bulletin-LI009.pdf Government of Alberta. (2017). Legislation. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.learnalberta.ca/content/kes/pdf/or_os_am_wss_04_leg.pdf Government of Alberta. (2017). Occupational Health And Safety Act. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/Acts/O02.pdf Health Sciences Association of Alberta. (2012). Understanding the Legislation. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.hsaa.ca/effective-representation/understanding-legislation Mullen, L. (2012). Alberta Employers and Workers Who Violate Albertas Safety Laws Face Stiffer Penalties. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.occupationalhealthandsafetylaw.com/alberta-employers-and-workers-who-violate-alberta%E2%80%99s-safety-laws-face-stiffer-penalties Wendel, C. (2016). New Alberta Bill 208 seeks to provide protection against workplace bullying. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.occupationalhealthandsafetylaw.com/new-alberta-bill-208-seeks-to-provide-protection-against-workplace-bullying Zurbrigg, T.S. (2013). Canada: Legislative Update: A Primer On The Recent Changes To Alberta's Occupational Health And Safety Act. Retrieved on 18th January 2017 from: https://www.mondaq.com/canada/x/228696/Health+Safety/Legislative+Update+A+Primer+On+The+Recent+Changes+To+Albertas+Occupational+Health+And+Safety+Act

Friday, November 29, 2019

Rock island chocolate free essay sample

This case study is commissioned to resolve an social media issue which went against their own company Rock island chocolate. I am here to come up with a strategy and help my company to get out of the social media issue as the director of an company and try to convert the bad remarks of social media to good remarks. In this growing world and technology, social media has become one of the strong source of communication. Social media has a good contact with the audience which matters the most for any organization in the world. This fact cant be neglected, so as the Companys Director I would like to review the blog in detail and find some good solution in short period of time. As we know especially from past five years the social network has grown immensely. social network sites such as face book , twitter are live examples for this growth. We will write a custom essay sample on Rock island chocolate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would like to follow step wise strategy in which I would complete one work and then go for another one. At first I would like to create a face book page with a brand new logo and good innovative thought and then I would suggest all the employees to join in it and make it a popular group among their known community of people. If we can spend money wisely and do good marketing for it this strategy will surely work out as we know the power of social networking sites and after this strategy I would like to involve all the staff members to actively participate in a discussion over the blog as an unknown user and comment on it positively. We know that blogs can some time create a big issue and sometimes it can just die out if there is no truth or support in it. The people do get carried away with the comments and if they feel most of the comments are positive then automatically the blog just fades away. I have an example suppose you want to buy a product from Amazon, there are two main things the consumer would like to check one is the cost and the another thing is the customers review if they feel both of these are reasonable then they will surely buy the product. In the same way if the blog has more positive comments than the negative ones it wont trouble for more time as it will die out. In this way the blog problem will be resolved and the company will get a positive response over a certain period of time.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Idioms and Expressions - Get

Idioms and Expressions - Get The following idioms and expressions use the verb get. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with get. Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with get. Get someones drift Definition: understand what someone has said Do you get his drift?I dont get his drift. Does he think I should quit? Get a bang / kick out of someone or something Definition: enjoy someone or something greatly I really get a bang out of Tom!She got a kick out of the new video game. Get a life! Definition: Dont worry about such stupid, or petty things Come on. Get a life! Go out and have some fun.I wish Janet would get a life. Shes always complaining about nothing. Get a load off ones feet Definition: sit down, relax Come on get a load off your feet.Come over here and get a load off your feet. Get a load off ones mind Definition: stop worrying about something Im glad he got the job. Im sure hes got a load off his mind.That news gets a load off my mind. Get a load of someone or something Definition: take notice of someone or something Get a load of that boy over there!Get a load of this book. Its excellent! Get a toehold Definition: To begin a relationship with a person or company I got a toehold at Smiths and Sons.Hes trying to get a toehold with Jason. Get away! Definition: I dont believe you He didnt say that! Get away!No, get away! Thats cant be true. To get down on someone Definition: criticize someone Dont get so down on Janet.My boss is getting down on me. Get down to doing something Definition: begin to do something seriously Lets get down to business.I got down to doing the report yesterday afternoon. Get face Definition: be taken seriously Hes really beginning to get face in that company.I wish I could get face. To get in someones face Definition: to annoy or provoke someone Why dont you get in his face!Tim really got in the coachs face. To get in on the act Definition: become a part of something interesting I really wish I could get in on the act.Would you like to get in on the act at work? Get into something Definition: enjoy greatly Hes really getting into that new CD by Japlin.I got into the movie last night. Get it Definition: understand Do you get it?He got it and began having success. Get lost! Definition: go away Come on, get lost!I wish Tom would get lost. Get off on something Definition: enjoy greatly Hes really getting off on jazz these days.Do you get off on cult movies? Get ones act together Definition: become organized about something I wish Mary would get her act together.Yes, I got my act together and found a new job. Get ones lumps Definition: receive punishment She got her lumps for disobeying her parents.I shouldnt have done that. Now Im getting my lumps. Get ones nose out of joint Definition: become upset about something He got his nose out of joint about the new employee.Dont get your nose out of joint. Its not that bad! Get ones teeth into something Definition: do something with a lot of dedication Im getting my teeth into the new project at work.I think you are going to get your teeth into this book. Get on someones case Definition: to criticize someone about a problem Stop getting on my case about homework.My boss is getting on my case about the project. Get out of my face! Definition: stop bothering me Get out of my face! Im going to do it!She told him to get out of her face. Get real! Definition: start acting realistically Get real about her.Forget it. Get real. Get someones goat. Definition: bother someone Shes getting his goat recently.Tom is really getting my goat. Get some shut-eye Definition: go to sleep I need to go home and get some shut-eye.He looks like he needs to get some shut-eye. Get the goods on someone Definition: find out incriminating evidence against someone Janet got the goods on him and they are getting divorced.I cant wait to get the goods on Jack. Get the lead out! Definition: hurry up Come on! Get the load out!Lets get out of here. Get the lead out! Get the message / picture Definition: understand So do you get the picture?I dont think he gets the message. Get the nod Definition: be chosen Peter got the nod for the job.I think Mary should get the nod. Get to someone Definition: bother someone Tom is really getting to Mary.Motor scooter noise gets to me! Get with it Definition: hurry up Get with it. Were late.I wish Tom would get with it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare and contrast Otello and Iago from the play of Sharespare Essay

Compare and contrast Otello and Iago from the play of Sharespare - Essay Example He is a proud man, and he is portrayed as acting out of good intentions, even though he kills his wife out of jealousy because he thinks she has been unfaithful to him. When he realizes what he has done, and that his wife is innocent, he is bitterly sorry and says Othello: â€Å"I kissed thee ere I killed thee: No way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss.† (Othello: Act 5 scene 2.) This emphasis on kissing as betrayal recalls the figure of Judas, one of Jesus Christ’s disciples. Just like Judas, Othello feels that he has no alternative at the end of the play. He has to kill himself because he cannot bear the guilt that he feels because of his actions. This shows that he has absorbed not just the courtly ways of noble Europeans but also the deeper Christian sensibility of that culture. Iago, on the other hand, is a very bad character who enjoys a high status in his own society. Superficially Iago is Christian, but underneath he is manipulative and cynical, obsess ed with wealth and glory rather than any morals or high ideals. It is Iago’s jealousy and hatred which causes him to meddle in Othello’s relationship with Desdemona.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discourse Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discourse Reflection - Essay Example Discourse orientation is likely to affect the learning ability of students; for instance, students learning in another discourse, dissimilar to theirs, are likely to get it hard fitting in the new learning discourse. On the other hand, students learning within their native discourse are most likely to perform well in their academic work. Study has revealed that this is because of a number of factor; most of which are contextual and psychological. When a student in a foreign country tries to learn in the foreign discourse, they are likely to feel out of place when they are asked to speak in class. This is because of the way they might speak the foreign language is not the way it is supposed to be spoken. This is likely to make them feel burdened with learning and some may give easily (Bashir-Ali, 2006). Students may resist learning in a foreign discourse due to peer and social influence. As established, foreign students form a minority social group in many public schools. Since they will want to conform to a given dominant social group, they will be forced to assimilate the dominant group’s discourse. This has been established to be the course of resistance to the school accepted discourse such as language. As a teacher, one should ensure they understand the social backgrounds of such students. This will help teacher in ascertaining the most correct approach tin motivating this learners to accept the in-class and school accepted language. Teacher should not point out mistakes in such students when it comes to language use, if they do so, they should be cautious as this is likely to demoralize the students (Kumaravadivelu, 2003). I come from Korea, where we speak the Korean language as the official language. I grew up partly in Korean and partly in America, resulting in my acquisition of the English language. In Korea where I was born, the Korean language is the official educational language. I was

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Good Faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Good Faith - Essay Example Pain helps the body system to make necessary adjustments for the well being of the body. Embracing Pain Pain helps the body to physically withdraw from something that is hurting and therefore makes it possible for more damage not to be done. When a person touches something that is hot, say a hot coal, simultaneously as the pain is felt, the part of the body that is in contact with the hot substance is withdrawn very fast (Goldstein 258; Martinez-Lavin 1). This helps to avoid more damage to the part of the body that was in contact with the hot substance. This literary happens when a body is confronted with something that is hurting – if one sits on a needle accidentally, the pain felt as a result of being pricked will make the person to jump up. People who suffer from Hansen’s disease (leprosy) are insensitive to pain (Launer 467). This negatively impacts on them because they hurt their bodies without knowing – say they may touch a very hot substance without reali zing it is burning them. Some forms of radiation are not painful but are very dangerous to the body (Ozner 1). Because these radiations do not cause pain at the very moment one gets in contact with them, it is not possible to realize that one is exposed to danger. It is clear therefore that pain enables the body to sense danger and engage a physical withdrawal to avert more damage. The next paragraph examines how pain helps in a case where physical withdrawal is not possible, for instance when danger is within the body. Pain alerts the body of a physiological process going on in the wrong direction. Pain which originates from inside the body is an indication of something going on wrong which needs to be corrected. Pain in this case acts as an alarm to the body system to make adjustments to correct the wrongs (Gatchel and Dennis18; Butler and Moseley 10). For instance, abdominal pains are often an indication of stomach infections (Sartelli 1). It will be almost impossible or too late to realize that one has stomach infections or ulcers if no abdominal pain has ever been experienced. This is actually the reason why physicians more often than not do not treat pain but rather are more interested with the location of the pain. The location of pain helps them to diagnose the cause (Cohn and Cohn 530). It is the cause that is treated after which pain goes away – it is not pain that is treated. Therefore, pain sounds the alarm and further points to the direction of trouble. It is only after a person feels some form of pain that a physician is consulted. Therefore, if pain is absent, the problem will build up and will lead to a sudden death. Pain, as shown in the next paragraph, is a medicine of its own. Feeling pain keeps us strong and is a medicine of its own. It has been shown that pain plays a crucial role in triggering healing processes (Richard, David and Lucy 26). British scientists at Bristol University have discovered that the intense pain felt in the c ourse of heart attacks may be very significant in saving lives. They have shown that pain helps to heal heart attacks and prevents arthritis break outs (Richard, David and Lucy 26). They have argued that reducing this pain fades the survival chances of the patients. They have noted that the pain signals felt at the cardiac nerves act as an attraction for stem cells located in the bone marrow. The stem cells move to the heart to repair any damage done by blood clots (Richard, David

Saturday, November 16, 2019

An Anlysis Of The Islamic Group Hezbollah Politics Essay

An Anlysis Of The Islamic Group Hezbollah Politics Essay Hezbollah literally means the Party of God. The Lebanese Hezbollah has multiple translations including Hizbullah, Hezbullah, Hizballah, Hizbollah and Hizb Allah (as used by Al-Jazeera). It is also referred to as Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War) or Islamic Jihad Organization. Some call Hezbollah as Ansar al-Allah (followers of God) Al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah. There are references made as the Organization of the oppressed on earth, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of Right against wrong, and also as the followers of the Prophet Muhammed. Hezbollahs members often introduce themselves as the sons of the Umma (muslim community). Identity: Essentially we can call Hezbollah as a political and military organization. It was founded in 1982 to fight Israel in southern Lebanon. The group is headed by Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. The Arab Muslim world, (along with by some European Union countries) look at Hezbollah as a legitimate, militant, political party in Lebanon; while the Israeli government and many Western governments view it as an Islamic fundamentalist, or Islamist terrorist organization. As it evolved, Hezbollah outgrew its originally objectives of expelling Israel and the Americans and French from Lebonan. It diversified into various wings to establish itself as an identity of note, not only in its area of operation, but across the world. Its military men and material supply is primarily credited to Iran who is often seen as the soul behind the face of Hezbollah. In addition, it has a dominant civilian arm, wherein they run hospitals, schools, orphanages and even a television station. Finance largely comes by Iran and Syria, but it also raises funds itself by charities some commercial activities. Hezbollah has a notable representation in the Lebanese parliament. It currently holds 80 seats out of 128 in Lebanese Parliament. Prime area of operation for them is the Bekaa Valley, suburbs of Beirut, and southern Lebanon. Lebanon has a population of app. 3 million people, out of which about 40% belong to Shia community. Hezbollahs social services programme is very popular amongst Shias. Some of its propagandas have been regarded as anti-Israeli or even anti-Semitic, but it doesnt necessarily qualify it as a terrorist organisation. Prime areas of operation: In Lebonan, Hezbollah operates mainly in the Al Biqa (Bekaa Valley), along with southern suburbs of Beirut southern Lebanon. Over a period of time, it has established centres in Europe, Africa, and South North Americ etc. The training bases are mostly in Biqa Valley, while its headquarters and offices are in southern Beirut and in Baalbek. Culture: Members of Hezbollah say that their culture it is based on the Holy Koran, the Sunna and the legal rulings of the faqi (whom they call their source of imitation). Organisations strength: It is estimated that the organization has over ten thousand fighters and this can strength can be easily increased if and when needed from their reserves from its stronghold areas in Lebanon. To add to it, they have numerable activists and moral supporters. Their militia is equipped with small arms including automatic rifles, mortars, rocket grenades, and Katyusha rockets. Hezbollah member have been seen on television conducting military parades in Beirut which often include tanks and armoured personnel carriers (that might have been taken over from Lebanese army) Funding: Hezballahs primary sources of aid are from Iran and Syria. They provide sourcing in terms of finances, weapons training, explosives, and even political, diplomatic, and organizational aid. It is estimated that Iran probably provides annual assistance worth app. 50 million dollars. However, Hezbollah has the capability and willingness to act independently. Families of suicide bombers are believed to be facilitated by The Martyrs Charity (Bonyad-e Shahid). In 2001, Paraguayan police raided the home of Hezballah operative Sobhi Mahmoud Fayad and found receipts from the Martyrs Organization totalling more than three million dollars for donations Fayad sent, though the authorities believed he had sent over fifty million dollars to Hezballah since 1995. Hezbollah operates a worldwide network of fundraisers. In addition, funds are also raised by charity funds. These funds are donated by some extremist Islamic institutions while are not directly connected to Hizballah. While these funds pay for its military and terrorist operations, other funds enable them to provide its members with day jobs. History: Hezbollah had a long gestation period from its incorporation in 1982 to 1985. It was marked by 3 key events: (1) Israels occupation of southern Lebanon from and its Invasion in 1982 (2) Iranian revolutions effects on the Arabs political scenario. (3) Affirmation of the Shiite communities in 1960s 70s. Israel repeatedly invaded Lebanon since 1973. In 1982, it occupied southern Lebanon up to the capital Beirut, killings thousands. It was against the background of this brutal invasion, coupled with the arrival of foreign forces, namely, America, France Italy that Hezbollah came into picture. Its goal was simply to remove the foreigners and popularise the Islamic movement in Lebanon. If the group was not necessarily conceived by Iran, it was surely was aided in its inception by arrival of over 1000 revolutionary guards from Iran. Hezbollah cells establishing its base in Lebanon in 1982 and expanded strengthened ever since. It developed a count of about four thousand members, equipped with over eleven thousand rockets, anti-tank weapons and heavy mortars. They also established a network of social assistance, mosques and schools in southern Lebanon. During mid eighties, they launched a flurry of suicide bombings including an attack on the Americas embassy and marine base in Beirut. Members of the organisation were often responsible for kidnapping and detention of hostages in Lebanon. It gained a name for its hit run tactics. It also was particular in kidnapping of Israeli military personnel. Although, there have been accusations of carrying out attacks on civilian targets abroad, no evidence has confirmed the claims. Amongst the muslim community, Hezbollah soon received acclaim and creditability. So much so that it replaced the other prominent organization in Lebanon, namely Amal, as the dominant force. Over the years, their military operations grew to include attacking outposts, ambushing, laying explosive devices, and launching long range mortar shells and rockets at outposts. Israel eventually withdrew from Lebanon in the month of May 2000. Hezbollah made claims that a portion of land comprising of shebaa farms, golan heights and other places which lie on the Israeli side of the border were belonged to Lebanese. Though UN dismissed their claims, Hezbollah continued terror attacks on Israeli towns in order to liberate these lands and to free prisoners held by Israel. Later, they exchanged the bodies of 3 Israels kidnapped soldiers in return their prisoners. Since Israels withdrawal, the organisations focus shifted to increase and expand its activities within Israel with the objective of conducting attacks in Israels own territory, hence spoiling any attempt at talks or opportunity to return. Hezbollah has eventually stabilised the border, excluding the areas around the Shebaa Farms, which are still occupied by Israel. OBJECTIVES Hezbollah says that freedom, justice, peace and peoples rights are the values on which a society develops rises. Freedom, they say, is the key element for the rise; while rights lead to justice and it ultimately results in peace. Adoption practice of these values demand commitment and focus on all as they are all universal: freedom is not what is available to one group and denied to another, rights should be prevalent everywhere; limited justice is injustice; peace by nature has to be for all. The organisation believes divine religions are responsible for establishment of these values. They specifically credit Islam, declaring it clearest and most comprehensive be it in theory or practical concepts. It is an organisation based on striving current that has been based its struggle to achieve these values in Lebanon region while eliminating all those barriers that may obstruct their goal. Keeping in view its values of peace, Hezbollah says it rejects all forms of aggression and terrorism. They condemn worlds outlook to certain instances as accepted violence and terrorism while rejecting the counter-violence, which, they say, is a natural human reaction to violence and terrorism. Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin, the leader of Hezbollah issued their manifesto on 16th Feb 1985; it was titled An Open Letter: The Hezbollah Program. The manifesto indentified the following three primary objectives of Hezbollah: To put an end to colonialist entities in Lebanon by expelling Americans, French and their allies from their land. To submit the Phalanges to a just power and bring them all to justice for the crimes they have perpetrated against Muslims and Christians. To allow all their people to choose their own future and have a government of choice. The organisation encouraged people to incorporate Islam which guarantees justice liberty for all. They said that only an Islamic regime could stop attempts of infiltration on the country. They call all oppressed people across the world as their friends. Ones who fight their enemies defend them from their evil are its friends. They called out for their friends to overlook their different viewpoints on the methods of struggle, and on the levels on which it must be carried out, and asked them to consolidate cooperation in view of the grand purpose. Hezbollah has always had an underlying objective of spreading the message of Islam. They want all the oppressed to study the divine message in order to bring justice peace into the world. However, they claim that they dont want to impose Islam upon anybody. We dont want Islam to reign in Lebanon by force is the message. Their opposition to the then existing system is worked on two major grounds (a) They believed that no reform or modification could remedy the present regime and it demanded radical change, and (2) Hostility of the world imperialism to Islam needed correction. Another objective that Hezbollah had in their agenda was to make an impression on the minds of high percentage Christian population in the country. They advocated that the politics followed by the political chiefs through the Lebanese front and the Lebanese forces didnt guarantee peace and tranquillity to the Christians of Lebanon and it also proved that outside help was of no use to the Christians of Lebanon when they need it most. They insisted that the Christians should answer the appeal from heaven and have recourse to reason instead of arms, to persuasion instead of confessionalism. Hezbollah asked the Christians to tolerate that Muslims shared with them certain domains of government saying that if you search for justice, who is more just than Allah?. They said that it is Allah who sent the message of Islam through his successive prophets in order to judge the people and give everyone his rights. The organisation made it clear that it doesnt we anticipate vengeance against Chris tians and that their fears were unjustified. They called upon the Christians to embrace Islam so that they shall be happy in this world and the next; and asked them to open themselves up to Islam where they will find salvation and happiness upon earth and in the hereafter. Hezbollah has had rejection for both the USSR and the US, calling them both capitalist and communist, and rendering them incapable of laying the foundations for a just society. Similar were the rejections against UNIFIL calling them as messengers of world arrogance to occupy areas evacuated by Israel and serve as a buffer zone. Hezbollah repeatedly stressed on the necessity for the destruction of Israel. They saw in Israel the vanguard of the US in their Islamic world. They called them the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones got what they deserved. They saw it as the greatest danger to their future generations and to the destiny of their lands. The organisations primary assumption in their fight against Israel states was that the Zionist entity has been aggressive since its inception, and built on lands wrested from owners at the expense of the rights of the Muslim people. Hence, they said that their struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. Hezbollah made it clear that they intend no treaty or cease fire or peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated. They vigorously condemned all plans for negotiation with Israel, and regarded all negotiators as enemies. Therefore they rejected all programs that included the recognition, direct or implied, of the Zionist entity. Hezbollah functioned against Israel in four main ways: (a) They brought terrorists and collaborators across the border with use of foreign documents (b) They set up a terrorist organization inside Israel and in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip (c) Promoted cross border operations like smuggling of weapons and terrorists (d) Worked on financial support for Palestinian organizations and groups. In conclusion of their objectives and conceptions Hezbollah says that these objectives serve as basis and inspire their march and ones who accept them should know that all rights belong to Allah and those who reject them, Hezbollah will be patient with them, till Allah decides between its followers and the people of injustice. HEZBOLLAH AN ISLAMIST ORGANISATION Critics across the world claim that the real reason why Hezbollah was set up was to spread the Iranian Islamic revolution into Lebanon and throughout the Arab world. Since Israeli withdrawal, organisation has continued to fight the Israeli defense forces (through its active fighting force known as the Islamic Resistance) around the disputed, Shebaa farms area. UN has regarded Shebaa farms as Syrian territory. Hezbollah still considers the area a part of Lebanon and contoues to fight for it. The Shebaa farms were overtaken by Israel from Syria during the 1967 war. Syria was asked to notify the United Nations that it considered the area to be part of Lebanon but no official statement was ever sent. As a result, most of the specialists believe that Hezbollahs attempt to recapture the area was a pretext (backed by Syria) of keeping military pressure on Israel. Hezbollahs dedication has been on liberation of Jerusalem, along with the elimination of Israel. It has openly advocated the establishment of Islamic rule in Lebanon. They are dedicated to creation of Iranian style Islamic republic in Lebanon and removal of all non-Islamic influences from area. Its approach has been strongly anti-Western and anti-Israeli. Hezbollah considers the Iranian model as best form of governance. It finds an Islamic republic as the ideal and eventual form of state and enjoys co-operation of other militant Islamic organizations in persuit this goal. Islamic Revolution in Iran, that promoted the inception of Hezbollah, consolidated new Islamic thoughts. It generalized Islamic expressions against the West, labelling them as arrogant, hypocrites and the oppressed. Hence, it was obvious for these ideologies in Iran to find place in Lebanon. It was very quickly translated into direct support from the Islamic Republic of Iran through its revolutionary guards and then to Hezbollah that was fighting the Israeli occupation. This religious and ideological tie had a great effect on generating vital material and moral support to Hezbollah. The group ideological virtues saw no legitimacy in existence of Israel; the conflict of legitimacy which was actually based on religious ideals. The seed of resistance is embedded in the ideologies of the group The US Policy makers see the party of God as the manifestation of the Islamist phenomenon. Understandably too, as Hezbollah has positioned itself as an opponent of U.S. policy in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon. It has been involved in various notorious incidents like attack on the marine barracks in killing over two hundred marines, the kidnapping of US citizens, and bombing of the embassy. It had a declared goal of removing the Americans (diplomats and otherwise) from Lebanon. Some observers think that Hezbollah has had little real support in the general population (even among the Lebanese Shii Muslims). Variations on these views can be often heard and read, especially by those whose conclusions are based on conjecture rather than field work. Reality, though, seems very different, especially when you consider the level of popular support that the organisation enjoys. There is always a temptation to dismiss Hezbollah as an extremist or terrorist group. But one cant deny the fact that the organisation has managed to build an extremely impressive social base in Lebanon. It is probably the most effective and efficient political party in the country. Across the areas of its significant presence, especially the suburbs of Beirut, the northern Beqaa valley, Baalbek, and in parts of southern Lebanon, Hezbollah provides a gamut of services. The medical facilities offered are much superior to the ones provided by government hospitals, which the poor would otherwise have to rely upon. Doctors working in their hospitals say that medical facilities are available to and are used by both Muslims and Christians. In addition, the group offers a network of schools, community centres; companies and facilities like food distribution centers for the needy. Hezbollah runs its own engineering and construction company, and has been lending material support and expertise to ones whose homes have been destroyed by Israeli attacks or during clashes within Lebanon. Regular pensions and other assistance are provided to families of martyred members of the party. What these examples reflect is that the party works on two complementary aspects. It has focus on the militant pursuit of its objectives, while simultaneously working extremely hard to build and sustain a political constituency. Last few years has seen a trend of increasing cooperation between Hezbollah and operational entities on other Palestinian terrorist organizations. This is particularly evident between Hezbollah and the Tanzim. In fact, in recent months Hezbollah has served as an external command for the Tanzim organizations in the territories. They have been enough instances for Hezbollah supporters to draw references from; for example the French resistance against the Nazis, resistance of the Americans against the colonialists etc. We know how the free world countries and the people across the world have respect for these resistances. Therefore, when Hezbollah resisted in Lebanon, it should be seen as its legitimate and sacred right, similar to that was once exercised by the French and American peoples. Considering their resistance as terrorism maybe is a kind of injustice, discrimination, besides being a renunciation of the Bill of Human rights and the Charter of the United Nations. Therefore, the organisation calls on the peoples of the world to differentiate between aggression of terrorism, and the honest resistance that they believe was the only way to deter the aggression and confront the terrorism resulting from that aggression. They claimed that Israel was an aggressive entity which practiced terrorism as occupatio n is a form of terrorism. The group advocates that it is legitimate in war to attack soldiers and shouldnt be labelled as terrorism. They say resistance of occupation is not terrorism because the occupiers are normally armed combatants. Hence, it defies the definitions of terrorism which only applies to non-combatants or to those not taking an active role part in hostilities. It is therefore not illegal to use force in resisting an occupier, provided that civilians are not made the specific object of attack. The group adheres to the creed of the Muhammadan Islam and human values emanating from it. They say that this observance is derived from ideological conviction based on proofs and evidences and not from emotional liking or sectarian, denominational or racial group spirit. Therefore, they are always ready to exchange dialogues with others about their convictions, creeds, methods and positions. They do not impose their convictions on anyone, as they do not like anyone to do so, proposing a mutual understanding with others. Hezbollah claims that it is its religious duty to considers, as its religious task, serve human beings, protect their rights, maintain their interest, make all needed efforts to provide them with a dignified life and develop their society. Keeping in view their desire to focus on fulfilling their duties toward that human being, the organisation has efficiently contributed in providing humanitarian services to the citizens in various areas of the country without discriminating one citizen from another, or one sect from another. They have made contributions in many domains; some of them being restoration of damaged buildings, providing farming guidance, selling utilities for the least cost prices (sometimes even for free), providing primary and intermediate schooling, offering the needy students with scholarships to continue their college schooling plus giving them scientific orientation, securing fresh water to the areas where the public water network fail to reach etc. Probably, the most important contribution was that Hezbollah sacrificed its own blood and lives, in order to maintain is the right of the Lebanese human beings in their land and in determining the political system they desire. Hezbollahs inception resulted in immediate formation of the Islamic resistance units for the liberation of the occupied territories and for the expulsion of the aggressive Israelis. Besides its core objective of freedom, the group has always been equally concerned about the presentation of Islam which addresses the mind, and reasons. They have been focused on presenting Islam that is confident of its fundamentals its very civilized understanding of men, life and the universe. They have made efforts to show Islam as being self-assured about its capability to achieve the basis of right and justice. They were anxious to present Islam as the religion that is open hearted towards all the nations and their varied political and cultural trends along their numerous experiences. It wants Islam to be seen as the guardian for human rights the one who defines choices, adopts convictions and expresses them socially. They decided to form political pressure in social benefits announced in the Bill of Human Rights such as education, pedagogy, medical case etc. There has been evident anxiousness to prioritize their cultural projects which utilize persuasiveness polarization by the civilized and the human methods confirmed by the Bill of the Human Rights. The group has been keen to offer a model of systematically targeting the enemy which represents a challenge / threat to the existence of the entire nation along with its regimes and people. Hezbollah members say that they condemn the conflict that doesnt serve the main aim, of fighting the enemy, or one which could create discord at the front, that has to be unified around the common interests. They have tried time and again to make it clear that the kind of Islam they want is a civilized endeavour that rejects injustice, humiliation, slavery, subjugation, colonism and blackmail, while stretching out its arms for communication among nations on the basis of mutual respect; Islam as the religion which never accepts controls or delegations by others, simply for the sake of manipulating the rights and the interests of the nation. They say they promote the religion that recommends communication among civilizations and rejects collision amongst those civilizations. An Islam that believes in cultural communication among nations, and refuses setting up barriers and also sees it as its right to remove those barriers by the diplomatic means is what Hezbollah advocates. But they say, when others launch wars against it, they believe it is their natural right to defend its representing supporters and their achievements. Hezbollah wants people to see Islam a a message that aims at establishing justice, security, peace and rights for all people irrespective of the nation, race or religion they belong. They say that they dont have any complex toward anybody, but they feel its their responsibility toward others to make others understand the essence of their religion away from obligation and fanaticism. It doesnt seek application of Islam by force or violence but by peaceful political action. They insist that Islam rejects violence as a mean to gain Power, and this formula should be adopted by the non-islamists as well. They say if Islam becomes the choice of the majority then they will apply it; else, they will continue to coexist and discuss till correct beliefs are reached

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

CHALLENGES AND HOW TO OVERCOME THE ISSUE OF HALAL IN MALAYSIA Occasionally, the country's Muslim community was shocked by the product claims dubious legal status. They will be so anxious and be careful in making a purchase food or related products. There is also the blame on various parties entrusted with the enforcement of Halal. Given the Halal issue is an important issue especially for the Muslims, due to their having the right information about products Halal something good to eat, drink or use. Issues that often haunt Muslims now is the question of Halal that requires serious attention of all parties. Malaysia is a Muslim country but Muslims in the country is difficult to get a reliable kosher item as fully as food, personal care and more. With Islam as the official religion of the country, the Muslim sensitivities must be taken into account in this serious case. Among the issues debated constantly in Malaysia is like slaughtering chickens do not follow Islamic ways and there are also feeding the pig intestine to catfish and more. The use of food additives is a challenge to Muslims because the process and the source of additive itself may use illegal ingredients included in Halal food products although its use is permitted in the specified level. Which the question is whether it will invite harm to health, if continued to be used in foods consumed by humans every day? The other thing that raises the dilemma is that if the food additives derived from animals that are banned, making it illegal eaten by Muslims. What about the situation where sometimes during the manufacturing process of a food or beverage may be generated elements that are banned? Therefore, the involvement of researchers in studying the short and long term e... ...oday are very careful in searching and selecting a food and consumables in order not to fall into the valley disobedience. All parties, especially the government should seriously look at this aspect because it is a test of patience and integrity of Muslims. In fact, we also need to be a model for other developing Muslim countries, especially Malaysia is to be a Halal food hub in the region. Government should ensure that the key issue is Halal Muslims as this is no longer a big problem. Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) to ensure transparency in admission and distribution of all products are screened and go through a rigorous examination because they are the authority in certifying Halal or Haram products in the market. Users also need to be wise and careful when shopping to ensure Halal goods impacts of each product and not take things for granted.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist

Antonio Allegio was born in Correggio, a small Lombard town near Reggio  Emilo. His birth date is unknown (Around 1489). His father was a merchant. Otherwise,  Little is known of Correggio’s life or training. In the years 1503-1505 he apprenticed to  Francesco Bianchi Ferrara of Modena. He was influenced by the classicism of authors  like Lorenzo Costa and Francesco Francia which can be found in his early paintings.  In 1516 he was in Parma, where he became a friend of Michelangelo Anselmi,  one of the main Mannerist painters of the period. He remained in that city until 1530.  In 1519 he married Girolama Francesco di Braghetis, also of Correggio and died in 1529.In this period Correggio paints his beautiful painting â€Å"Virgin and child with the  young saint John the Baptist.† It is a painting on oil on panel Italian circa. 1494-1534.  The subject matter of the painting is John the Baptist as a child and his first  meeting of the Madonna and the C hrist child. Influenced by Leonardo da Vinci is  romantic with overwhelming radiance and cool pearly colors. The expressive content of  the painting is of joy, wonder and is playful. It seems to be a happy, leisurely time for all  three   people. The young Saint John Baptist’s mood is of reverence as he bows down and  looks up at the Christ child. The lines in the painting is of a symmetrical composition  arrangement with the Madonna leaning a little toward the young saint almost welcoming  her into her arms.The matter is religious for the young saint is meeting the Christ child as well as  welcomed into the arms of the Madonna. The young Saint John the Baptist’s looks as if  he is kneeling as he looks up from below to look at the Christ child. The figures are  peasants sitting on a bench in a garden underneath a vine. The Madonna is dressed in a  beautiful pale red dress and a cloak that is a rich blue on top and green underneath. The  cloak dr aped over her head is folded over and falling off revealing the green underneath  on the right side of the Madonna and the blue on her left shoulder.The color is rich in texture the brush stroke smooth and one stroke. The colors  are pale, delicate, and deep bringing out the rich color in the painting. The light and cool  pearly radiant color seems to be coming from within the people as well as behind the  Madonna. The specific effect is of symmetry in relation to each other. The work is  organized to show the Madonna in the center lovingly balancing the Christ child on her  left leg as she reaches out her left arm to welcome the young Saint John the Baptist. The  Christ child is sitting on the Madonna’s left leg he is raised above the head of the young  saint and the young saint kneel and look up. The central focus is of the Madonna inthe center and her smile as well as the Christ child balancing on the Madonna’s leg.Antonia Correggio reflected the his torical context of the renaissance by using  the periods work of religious themes found in the Madonna, the Christ Child and a young  John the Baptist. The painting is a stylized and idealized. His religious symbolism is  largely drawn from the work of Jacobus de Voragine (1260) He created dynamic  composition and perspective in his dramatic three-dimensional focused paintings. The  mythological perspective depicts movement, drama and diagonal composition  arrangement. You can find this movement and drama in the painting â€Å"The virgin and  child with the young saint John the Baptist† in the Madonna’s movement of her arm as  she welcomes the young Saint to join her and her son. Also, in the composition of the  three. The Madonna is in the center of the painting thereby catching the eye of the person  looking at the painting.Antonio Correggio was an enigmatic and eclectic painter. His art was a means to  reproduce life in its most persuasive dome stic side. Later, he initiated a style of  sentimental elegance and conscious allure with soft gestures and captivating charm by  using imaginary spaces as a replacement for reality. He used these elements of Mannerist  and Baroque stylistic approaches found at the time of the renaissance. Antonio Correggio  is considered to this day to be one of the boldest and most inventive artist of the High  Renaissance. He was revolutionary and is still influential for subsequent artists.Works Citedhttp://WWW.artic.edu/aic/collections/highlight_search?acc=1965.688&page=&1&ArtistID=310

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Dictionary of Old and Obsolete Occupations - W

Dictionary of Old and Obsolete Occupations - W The occupations found recorded in documents from prior centuries often appear unusual or foreign when compared to the occupations of today. The following occupations beginning with W are generally now considered old or obsolete, although some of these occupational terms are still in use today. Wabster  - weaver Wadding maker  - maker of wadding (usually made of old rags or cotton) for stuffing upholstered furniture Wafer maker  - maker of church communion wafers Wagoner  / Waggoner  - teamster not for hire. The WAGNER surname is the 7th most common name in Germany. Wailer  - Mine worker who removed impure rocks in a coal mine Wain house proprietor  - owner of a building where wagons could be parked for a fee Wainius  - ploughman Wainwright  - wagon maker Waiter  - customs officer or tide waiter; one who waited on the tide to collect duty on goods brought in Waitman  - Nightwatchman who guarded the gates of a city, usually marking the hours with the ringing of a small bell Waker  - A person whose job was to wake workers in time for early morning work Walker / Waulker  - fuller; cloth trampler or cleaner. The WALKER surname is the 28th most popular name in the United States. Waller  - 1) Specialist in building walls; 2) salt maker. The WALLER surname is one variation of WALL. Wardcorn  - Watchman armed with a horn for sounding the alarm on the event of intruders or trouble. Common during medieval times. Warker  - Specialist at building walls, embattlements, and embankments Warper / Warp Beamer  - a textile worker who arranged the individual yarns which created the warp of the fabric upon a large cylinder called a beam. Water bailiff  - 1) A customs officer who searched ships as they came into port; 2) one employed to protect fisheries from poachers Water carter / Water carrier  - Someone who sold fresh water from a traveling cart Waterguard  - customs officer Wattle hurdle maker - one who made a special type of fence from wattle to contain sheep Weatherspy - astrologer Webber / Webster  - weaver; operator of looms. The WEBER surname is the 6th most common German name. Wet nurse  -  A women who feeds the children of others with her own breast milk (usually for a fee) Wetter - either one who dampened paper during the printing process, or one in the glass industry who detached glass by wetting Wharfinger  - a person who owned or was in charge of a wharf Wheel tapper -  Ã‚  a railway worker who checked for cracked wheels by striking them with a long-handled hammer and listening to their ring Wheelwright  - builder and repairer of wagon wheels, carriages etc. Wheeryman - one in charge of a wheery (light rowboat) Whey cutter  - a worker in the cheese industry Whiffler  - an officer who went before an army or procession to clear the way by blowing a horn or trumpet Whipcorder  - a maker of whips Whipperin - in charge of managing the hounds in a hunt Whisket weaver  - basket maker White cooper  - one who makes barrels from tin or other light metals White limer  - one who painted walls and fences with white lime Whitesmith  - tinsmith; worker of tin who finishes or polishes the work Whitewing - street sweeper Whitster  - bleacher of cloth Willow plaiter - one who made baskets Wing coverer  - a worker who covered airplane wings with linen fabric Wonkey scooper  - person who operated a scoop-type contraption from a horse Woolcomber - one who  operated machines that separate fibers for spinning in the woolen industry Woolen billy piercer - worked in a woolen mill to piece together broken yarns Wool man / Wool sorter - one who sorted wool into different grades Wright  - a skilled worker in various trades. The WRIGHT surname is the 34th most common name in the United States.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Core Democratic Values Essays - G.I. Bill, Free Essays, Term Papers

Core Democratic Values Essays - G.I. Bill, Free Essays, Term Papers Core Democratic Values I believe that the government should make higher education available to every young person that qualifies due to their study and good grades and are willing to repay their debt once their education is over. Some people would disagree, stating that it is not the governments responsibility to put people through college. They also may argue that the added eight billion dollars it would cost a year is too much. However, the people who received these benefits could pay back the government by their choice of servicing society through child-care, police, military, health care, and other jobs. A Core Democratic Value that supports my view is common good. The national service trust fund is a good example of the government undertaking programs to benefit the common good. Tax money would be used to pay for peoples tuition's into college. Later those individuals would repay the government by two years of low paying community service. Evidence of data that supports my position from the excerpt is that America has provided a trust fund before. The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 helped to educate an entire generation of people, and 95 percent of its beneficiaries. This wide success helped prove that an investment in citizens' education is very useful to all parties involved. This position can also be supported with prior knowledge, as I know that people who go to college are more likely to get a high paying job. A public value to people receiving higher education is that people who go to college are less likely to have reliance on government financial supports later in life. Another reason that this would benefit the government is that after college, the individual would have to take a low paying national service job. In conclusion, I find that this trust fund would not only benefit the people that received the funding but also the government as well. The government would gain because after the students have completed college they would receive a worker at a low price. The person receiving the fund would receive a higher education, but later would have to repay society by working for low wages in a government job. So, when all is done, most of the costs, both monetary and otherwise, are balanced out.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Different facets of the Macro Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Different facets of the Macro Economy - Essay Example There was a development of model of trader risk that insinuated that decisions on investments are done with reference to market noise, and these decisions are not rational and hence unpredictable from the simple fact that they are affected by the sentiments of an investor. This makes the idiot traders a threat in markets of finance. Secondly, noise existence provides opportunists with information that enables them to exploit and take advantage of the situation in the market. These opportunists may engage in strategies of stealth trading where these investors extend their trade with time. Lastly, the irrationality by the noisy traders may lead to movement of assets’ prices from their basic values hence making the market to destabilize. Contrary to that, investors who are rational would act in a manner opposing a noisy trader hence stabilizes the market equilibrium. There is a prediction that institutional investors fail in encountering activities that are irrational by the nois y traders. The examination of the essential effects of the noisy traders on ADR market is as explained. ADR return falls or increases if the investors are not rationally pessimistic or optimistic. In the period of low noise, ADRs that are owned by high institutions exhibit autocorrelation that is same to ADRs being owned by low institutions. Nevertheless, in periods of high noise, ADRs that are owned by high institutions exhibit autocorrelation that is higher compared to the ones owned by low institutions. This creates an implication that there must have been an engagement in stealth trading by investors for exploitation of an irrational market. Via a regression of Granger causality, there is evidence of ADR portfolio returns with high institutions ownership which confirms that these traders make a reflection of the market information which is in the long run converted to securities. Finally, investors of an institution aid in the reduction of ADR returns of Europe. Though, for othe r continents ADRs, the stabilizing magnitude of positions of arbitrage that is taken by investors of an institution is not significant (De Long et al. 1990) Question two Consider a model with both noisy traders and rational arbitragers. Suppose there are no limits of arbitrage. Then arise in investment sentiments among the noisy traders: a) Shifts the asset demand curve of the noisy traders N b) May lead to increased short sales Y c) Has no effect on the equilibrium asset price N d) Affects the distribution of assets holding between the two groups of investors Y e) Affect the total gross supply of the assets in the market Y Discussion In case of existence of the noisy trader and an arbitrager in a market, given that there are no limits of arbitrage and a situation of arising of sentiments, a) there would not be shifts in the demand curve of the noisy traders. The explanation for this is straightforward because given an irrational trader who takes risk which give rise to investment s entiment; the prices of assets are mainly affected. In economics, the price of commodities affects demand in that the increase or decrease in prices leads to a movement of the curve and not a shift. Therefore, the statement of demand shifting is wrong as the main factor influencing demand of asset in this case is the price. b) The action may lead to increased short sales in that, in any case the noisy trader tries to sell the assets at prices that are lower than the market’

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Client Letter-acc568 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Client Letter-acc568 - Assignment Example Therefore, the amount of total tax paid for international transactions of corporations depends on the manner by which deductions and incomes are sourced in the countries where the transactions are taking place. However, I will try to break down the U.S source rules for incomes and deductions. As you know, the U.S government takes these matters seriously and I have every intention of addressing all your issues expertly (Yonah, 2007). According to Dykes, with regards to taxation of source income and deductions, the U.S government adopts a taxation methodology known as the worldwide approach. As indicated by the name, the approach involves taxing the income of the globalized corporation regardless of the source of income, whether the source of the income is foreign based or locally based in the U.S. Under this methodology, your company will face the tax burden that locally based companies are subject to (Dykes, 2011). Therefore, your company will have to allocate its global capital on economic factors rather than tax considerations. In retrospect, your company will promote global efficiency in connection to capital allocation. Unfortunately, the advice your friend gave you is misinformed, but do not despair because there are ways to reduce the amount of tax that your company is going to be liable to the IRS. As per your request, there are a few ways that your company can mitigate tax impact form the U.S with regards to income sourced from foreign nations One such method is keeping active income from foreign sources in offshore locations up to the time when your company wants to repatriate the income back to the U.S. Income arising from your foreign based branch/operations is only going to be taxed until it is repatriated via dividend distributions in your U.S based head offices. This is known as deferral tax. In addition, the U.S allows companies such as yours, a tax credit for